The film follows the journey of Raj Sharma (Ranbir Kapoor) from the age of 18 to 30 and how he meets three girls at different stages of his life : Mahi (Minissha Lamba) - a small-town girl from Punjab, Radhika (Bipasha Basu) - a model from Mumbai and Gayatri (Deepika Padukone) - a NRI taxi driver and student from Australia. The film is about a boy who goes from one love affair to another, only to run into true love.
In 1996, Raj runs into Mahi on the Eurorail, during a Europe trip. Mahi is a dreamy young girl who believes in romance and luck and is sure her "Raj" (from DDLJ) will meet her one day and sweep her off her feet. However, when Mahi misses her train and is stranded in Switzerland without any money, Raj finds her, consoles her and offers to help her reach the airport in time for her return flight. On the way, Mahi falls in love with Raj. They share a kiss after Raj reads her a poem he had written about his feelings for her. They have fun together and when Raj drops Mahi at the airport, Mahi opens the page on which Raj had written the poem, only to find it blank. She accidentally overhears him boasting to his friends about what 'stuff' the pair got up to, she is shocked at his lies. But when Raj realizes that he has been caught, he is unable to decide what to do and simply leaves, leaving the crying and hurt Mahi behind.
It is 2002. Raj has since moved to Mumbai and found a job with Microsoft as a game designer. He is also in a live-in relationship with Radhika - a wanna-be model. Soon Raj receives transfer orders to Sydney after his success with the Halo 3 launch (apparently developed primarily owing to his effort). He expects to be able to leave Radhika and move on to a new life, assuming that Radhika is a modern girl as she is living with him without marriage. However, Radhika unexpectedly announces that she intends to sacrifice her career as a model, marry Raj and join him in Australia - much to Raj's dismay. After failing on several occasions to force her to break up, he gets on an earlier flight to Sydney without informing Radhika - who is left stranded, on their wedding day, waiting for him at the registrar office.
It's 2007. Raj is now in midst of a successful career in Sydney. One day he runs into Gayatri, who drives taxi during the evenings and studies at a business school during the day. She also works part time in a super-market as the cashier. Raj befriends her and learns that, like him, she does not believe in the institution of marriage. However, he realizes that he is falling in love with her and finally proposes. But Gayatri turns him down and walks away saying that marriage might lead them to force each other to change their ways and she is happy with her life. Rejection cuts him deep, and as he stands alone watching the love of his life walk away, he remembers the hearts he broke - hearts of Mahi and Radhika. He decides to return to India to apologize to both of them for the hurt he has caused.
On his return, he first seeks out Mahi. Mahi is now married and has two sons. He runs into her husband (played by Kunal Kapoor) who expresses his anger at first as he had heard about Raj from Mahi's sister and how Mahi had fallen in love with him but how hurt she was. He also tells Raj how Mahi is the perfect housewife and perfect mother of his perfect children, but when it comes to love and romance - she turns him away and makes excuses. Raj decides to intervene and finally apologizes to Mahi. He also makes her realize how much her husband loves her, and that her husband is the real "Raj" she has been waiting for - the romantic, the one who loves her eternally. She forgives Raj and expresses her love for her husband.
Having received closure with Mahi, Raj now searches for Radhika. He finally finds her only to realize that she has now changed her name to Shreya Rathod and has become a highly successful and rich supermodel. After much effort, he manages to meet her and offers his apologies. Shreya refuses to accept his apologies and tells him that if he really wants her forgiveness, he will have to work hard to earn it. To do this she offers him the job of an assistant. Once Raj starts his job, Shreya works him hard - making him do all sorts of tasks - from cleaning to serving at parties to holding tons of shopping bags and umbrella over her. She tries to humiliate him at every possible occasion. But Raj remains firm on his resolve and continues to serve without complaint. Finally she gives up and tells him how hurt she felt sitting alone outside the registrars office. She refuses to accept his apologies, forcing Raj to give up and return home.
But while waiting for his flight, Shreya catches up with him and tells him how she has realized that the root of her frustrations was all the bottled up hate against Raj. So in an effort to gain closure, she has thought over her decision again and has decided to grant Raj a full pardon. Raj is thrilled and returns to Australia.
On his return, Raj finds several letters from Gayatri. While he has been away, Gayatri has had second thoughts and has regretted having turned down Raj. The film ends with Raj seeking her out and he reunites with Gayatri.
In 1996, Raj runs into Mahi on the Eurorail, during a Europe trip. Mahi is a dreamy young girl who believes in romance and luck and is sure her "Raj" (from DDLJ) will meet her one day and sweep her off her feet. However, when Mahi misses her train and is stranded in Switzerland without any money, Raj finds her, consoles her and offers to help her reach the airport in time for her return flight. On the way, Mahi falls in love with Raj. They share a kiss after Raj reads her a poem he had written about his feelings for her. They have fun together and when Raj drops Mahi at the airport, Mahi opens the page on which Raj had written the poem, only to find it blank. She accidentally overhears him boasting to his friends about what 'stuff' the pair got up to, she is shocked at his lies. But when Raj realizes that he has been caught, he is unable to decide what to do and simply leaves, leaving the crying and hurt Mahi behind.
It is 2002. Raj has since moved to Mumbai and found a job with Microsoft as a game designer. He is also in a live-in relationship with Radhika - a wanna-be model. Soon Raj receives transfer orders to Sydney after his success with the Halo 3 launch (apparently developed primarily owing to his effort). He expects to be able to leave Radhika and move on to a new life, assuming that Radhika is a modern girl as she is living with him without marriage. However, Radhika unexpectedly announces that she intends to sacrifice her career as a model, marry Raj and join him in Australia - much to Raj's dismay. After failing on several occasions to force her to break up, he gets on an earlier flight to Sydney without informing Radhika - who is left stranded, on their wedding day, waiting for him at the registrar office.
It's 2007. Raj is now in midst of a successful career in Sydney. One day he runs into Gayatri, who drives taxi during the evenings and studies at a business school during the day. She also works part time in a super-market as the cashier. Raj befriends her and learns that, like him, she does not believe in the institution of marriage. However, he realizes that he is falling in love with her and finally proposes. But Gayatri turns him down and walks away saying that marriage might lead them to force each other to change their ways and she is happy with her life. Rejection cuts him deep, and as he stands alone watching the love of his life walk away, he remembers the hearts he broke - hearts of Mahi and Radhika. He decides to return to India to apologize to both of them for the hurt he has caused.
On his return, he first seeks out Mahi. Mahi is now married and has two sons. He runs into her husband (played by Kunal Kapoor) who expresses his anger at first as he had heard about Raj from Mahi's sister and how Mahi had fallen in love with him but how hurt she was. He also tells Raj how Mahi is the perfect housewife and perfect mother of his perfect children, but when it comes to love and romance - she turns him away and makes excuses. Raj decides to intervene and finally apologizes to Mahi. He also makes her realize how much her husband loves her, and that her husband is the real "Raj" she has been waiting for - the romantic, the one who loves her eternally. She forgives Raj and expresses her love for her husband.
Having received closure with Mahi, Raj now searches for Radhika. He finally finds her only to realize that she has now changed her name to Shreya Rathod and has become a highly successful and rich supermodel. After much effort, he manages to meet her and offers his apologies. Shreya refuses to accept his apologies and tells him that if he really wants her forgiveness, he will have to work hard to earn it. To do this she offers him the job of an assistant. Once Raj starts his job, Shreya works him hard - making him do all sorts of tasks - from cleaning to serving at parties to holding tons of shopping bags and umbrella over her. She tries to humiliate him at every possible occasion. But Raj remains firm on his resolve and continues to serve without complaint. Finally she gives up and tells him how hurt she felt sitting alone outside the registrars office. She refuses to accept his apologies, forcing Raj to give up and return home.
But while waiting for his flight, Shreya catches up with him and tells him how she has realized that the root of her frustrations was all the bottled up hate against Raj. So in an effort to gain closure, she has thought over her decision again and has decided to grant Raj a full pardon. Raj is thrilled and returns to Australia.
On his return, Raj finds several letters from Gayatri. While he has been away, Gayatri has had second thoughts and has regretted having turned down Raj. The film ends with Raj seeking her out and he reunites with Gayatri.